Our Family

Our Family

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Will it ever get better?

I'm going to be totally honest--it is my blog after all, right? I am totally stressed out. Chad's been out of work for 3 weeks. Had one interview so far. Mervyns is closing so I will be out of a job by Jan 1st, if not sooner. My 5 year old is still not using the potty and is wearing pull-ups to school, then refuses to change it when she gets home. She's been throwing these huge screaming fits when she doesn't get her way and screams "I HATE YOU!" and "LEAVE ME ALONE!"at us when we try to talk to her. I feel like I need the Super Nanny. Callie has been really cranky probably because she's not feeling well so I have to do everything either holding her or having her follow me with her screaming at me.
With Mervyns closing, that means my Dad will have no job too. So he's asked me to find him jobs to apply for too. It sounds so easy, but believe me, it's not. You have to register for each website you find a job on that you want to apply for. It's so time-consuming.
My mom's still having dizzy spells and isn't able to do much without feeling sick. I have so many things I'm worrying about, that I get huge headaches every day. I feel like everything that could go wrong, is going wrong.

I think I'm gonna go eat some brownie dough now


Susan said...

Aww! Randee that totally sucks! I'll come over and eat cookie dough with you and we can both cry. =(

Things will get better. Kenya and Kira were both pretty late potty training. I think once they had enough social awareness to be emberassed about not staying dry they seemed to care more about it. It sounds a little mean but maybe say something that makes her feel ashamed to not stay dry. Unless it's a medical problem - then you might scar her.

We will keep you guys in our prayers. Hopefully this is just a blessing in disguise. Hey, you should apply at Costco, I heard they start at $17 and they're probably hiring for the holidays. Tell your dad to too.

Meanwhile, is there anything you guys need? halloween costumes? Let me know, I've been meaning to go through the twins clothes, hopefully I'll get that done by Saturday. Love you guys!

Stoddard Studios said...

Hang in there girl and call me if you ever need to. I'm here for you.